Thursday, April 10, 2014

Pros and Cons about being an oldest child

Being an older child has its advantages and disadvantages. I feel like I get more privileges and get to do more stuff being older. Sometimes I feel like my mom favorites my brother too much and it just bothers me sometimes. I sometimes feel like I'm obligated to treat my brother a certain way because of the fact that he's younger than me and I have to sometimes let him do things that he shouldn't be doing because he's a "kid" like okay I understand that he's a kid and that he needs to play and do stuff that kids his age do but at the same time he's old enough to know better than to do stupid things and try to get away with it because of his age like no it doesn't work like that. I sometimes boss my brother around more than my mom does because I notice the little things that he tries to get away with and I correct him but my mom doesn't notice a lot in which I do. I guess it's a good and bad thing at the same time. I love being an older sister because I get to look over my brother but at the same time I would love an older brother to watch over me and be over protective and stuff, things that big brothers do with their younger sisters.

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